The Best Show On Earth


Actor captures

Objects shot separately

CG process for birds

CG process for frames

Illustrated poster art

Final birds & digitally created tattoos


The Best Show on Earth features the eclectic ensemble of the Red Truck Gallery members Noah Antieau (curator & founder), Bryan Cunningham (artist & partner) and Nik Sin (performer & partner) in a vaudevillian catastrophe of epic proportions. Burlesque performer Lulu Catshoo cameoed as the jaded assitant who’s seen it all one too many times.

The scene was created by compositing photographs of the live talent with an array of individually show objects. All photographs were taken on a simplified force-perspective set which was embellished later with CG elements and a healthy dose of digital painting.

When anyone asks if the portrait is an accurate portrayal of the infamous characters, I simply smile and say, “A magician never reveals all their secrets.”


photography, set design, cg, compositing, digital manipulation

set design – 1 day
compositing – 60%
digital art – 30%
CG – 10%